Micro- and Nanoanalytics Group » Advanced TEM and Spectroscopy Methods

Advanced TEM and Spectroscopy Methods

After a brief recap of the content provided during the summer semester (TEM Imaging and Electron Diffraction) this part of the module “Mikro- und Nanoanalytik in der Materialforschung (MSc-TEC-37)” introduces advanced imaging techniques such as High Resolution TEM and Scanning TEM, but also also advanced diffraction techniques like Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction. In addition the spectroscopic techniques Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy are presented as TEM techniques. Last but not least Electron Tomography and in situ TEM are discussed.

Due to the Corona Virus pandemic the lecture will be held online. You can follow the live sessions on Zoom ( https://uni-siegen.zoom.us/j/96208570058; password on demand) or watch the recorded sessions and additional content on moodle (“WiSe 2020/21 – Fortgeschrittene TEM und spektroskopische Methoden”). The live sessions are recorded every Friday between 10:15 am and 11:45 am.

Aktualisiert um 3:56 pm am October 30, 2020 von cw633536