Micro- and Nanoanalytics Group » Dr.-Ing. Julian Müller

Dr.-Ing. Julian Müller

Academic counsellor

Dr.-Ing. Julian Müller
Dr.-Ing. Julian Müller (Akad. Rat in AG Benjamin Butz)

Room: PB-A 232
Phone: +49 (0)271/740-2415
Em@il: julian.mueller(at)uni-siegen.de

Address: Universität Siegen
Department Maschinenbau
Research Group for Micro- and Nanoanalysis & -tomography 
Paul-Bonatz-Strasse 9-11
57076 Siegen

I have left the University of Siegen in November 2023.

For fruther information, please contact my colleagues:

Research Fields

Ever since I studied Materials Science at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, I’ve been hooked on the fascinating world of materials and, in particular, nanomaterials. During my PhD studies on high temperature superalloys in the group of Prof. Erdmann Spiecker, I first came in contact with transmission electron microscopy, which I used to study defects down to the atomic scale. The interest and passion for electron microscopy, which was sparked back then, continues until today. My doctoral thesis also brought me to Columbus in the US, where I worked in the group of Prof. Mike Mills at the Ohio State University as a visiting PhD student. In 2016, I received my doctoral degree in engineering (Dr.-Ing.).

After a post-doc period in Erlangen, during which I discovered my penchant for teaching, I came to Siegen in 2018 to work together with Prof. Benjamin Butz. At the University of Siegen, I am now dealing with functional and 2D materials. Besides investigating and exploiting the exciting fundamental properties of those materials, I am interested in how it is possible to put those materials into application. The synthesis and combination of different functional materials to create new properties play therefore an important role in my research.

Research interest:

  • 2D-materials, their future applications and understanding the structure-property-relation in novel electronic devices
  • Nanostructured systems ranging from nanopores to nanoparticles
  • Development of advanced TEM characterization techniques to explore materials properties
  • Microstructure and defect structure studies on crystalline samples

Aktualisiert um 1:49 pm am December 30, 2019 von Jonas Stötzel